Look quickly! In 10 days, there were two cases in succession, and NIPSEY HUSSLE hassell said no to infringement!

On February 16th, 2023, Nipsey Hussle entrusted GBC to act as an agent for infringement. Just 10 days later, another case was filed, which shows that Nipsey Hussle has zero tolerance for infringement. TRO has been issued recently, please remove it as soon as possible!

Nipsey hassell, formerly known as Ermias Joseph Asghedom, is an American rapper. In 2020, he won the best rap performance at the 62nd Grammy Awards with the song Racks in the Middle, and won the best rap/singing performance with the song HIGHER. On March 31, 2019, Nipsy hassell was shot and killed at the age of 33. In addition to singing accidents, I also founded Marathon Clothing online store with several partners. Therefore, Mai Jia supports reminding sellers to be careful that word mark is easy to cause infringement!

Basic information of the case

Time of prosecution: February 27, 2023

Case number: 2023-cv-01202

Plaintiff brand: NIPSEY HUSSLE Nipsey hassell.

Brand: Asghedom

Law firm: GBC

Summary of cases in recent two years

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm, brand side

2021/9/7 21-CV-4741 GBC Nipsey Hussle hassell Asghedom

The latest development of the case

Look quickly! In 10 days, there were two cases in succession, and NIPSEY HUSSLE hassell said no to infringement!

Brand information

Nipsey hassell (August 15, 1985–March 31, 2019), an American rapper, was shot to death on March 31, 2019.

Trademark copyright information

Look quickly! In 10 days, there were two cases in succession, and NIPSEY HUSSLE hassell said no to infringement!

Examples of infringement

Look quickly! In 10 days, there were two cases in succession, and NIPSEY HUSSLE hassell said no to infringement!

Thank you for reading, and today’s sharing is over. Maijia Support will continue to bring you the latest infringement news.

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● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/29394

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