Another animated character case was approved by TRO temporary injunction! The agent of MIFFY Rabbit’s rights protection is Keith, so pay attention to the relevant sellers!

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Mi Fei Rabbit, a classic animated character born in 1955, is also one of the most popular animated characters among children all over the world. It was created by dick bruna, a famous picture book writer in the world. In recent three years, the brand has also continued to file cases, with a moderate frequency of rights protection. Keith, the agent of the brand, is in full charge. The latest case number is 22-cv-5831, and the case was filed on October 24th. On November 1st, the court officially approved the TRO temporary injunction, and the relevant sellers were removed from the shelves as soon as possible!

Historical occurrence of cases

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/5/24 22-cv-2747 Keith MIFFY Rabbit Miffy

2022/1/6 22-cv-66 Keith MIFFY Rabbit Miffy

2022/1/4 22-cv-25 Keith MIFFY Rabbit Miffy

2021/2/17 21-cv-878 Keith MIFFY Rabbit Miffy

2021/2/17 21-cv-872 Keith MIFFY Rabbit Miffy

2020/7/23 20-cv-4293 Keith MIFFY Rabbit Miffy

2020/2/27 20-cv-1448 Keith MIFFY Rabbit Miffy


Basic information of the case

Case number: 22-cv-5831

Time of filing the case: October 24, 2022

Brand name: MERCIS B.V

Plaintiff brand: MIFFY Rabbit Miffy

Plaintiff’s law firm: Keith

brand introduction

Miffy Rabbit, a classic animated character born in 1955, is also one of the most popular animated characters among children all over the world. It was created by Dutch painter dick bruna, a world-famous picture book writer. He is a very successful and best-selling fairy tale creator. dick bruna’s works have been translated into 33 languages all over the world, and the sales volume is as high as 80 million.

Dick Bruna’s painting is characterized by simple drawing with simple lines and several colors, aiming at the fairy tale world in the artist’s mind. The beloved Miffy rabbit is the result of his nearly half a century’s creation, and the shape of Miffy rabbit has always maintained her principle of simplicity but not a sense of relaxation, and she never changes clothes and jewelry because of festivals or any reason, thus reflecting the animated character ” Super fresh ” The image of Miffy may be the reason why Miffy’s popularity has always stood firm.


Examples of cross-border infringing products

Another animated character case was approved by TRO temporary injunction! The agent of MIFFY Rabbit's rights protection is Keith, so pay attention to the relevant sellers!

The latest development of the case

Another animated character case was approved by TRO temporary injunction! The agent of MIFFY Rabbit's rights protection is Keith, so pay attention to the relevant sellers!

(The above picture comes from: “Mai Jia Support” WeChat official account-Case System)

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