
Maijia Support is a cross-border rights protection consulting service organization that can provide you with:

  • Response: Quickly connect with the Maijia support platform and select legitimate law firms/lawyers to serve you Our partner law firm/independent lawyer meets the following conditions: can provide effective legal qualifications, have a US resident office, must have experience in handling cross-border e-commerce sellers’ overseas rights protection cases, and have the qualification to appear in the corresponding state courts in the United States. Our requirements for the law firm are: each client’s case is independently clustered, followed up and replied quickly in real-time (excluding time difference), the progress of the case is synchronized in real-time, and formal contracts are signed with the client. Rules for entering the law firm: root According to comprehensive performance, law firms are selected quarterly and scored simultaneously. For non compliant law firms, seller cases will no longer be assigned. Suitable cases: non genuine infringement cases/large freeze cases, lawyers must be local Chinese lawyers/American lawyers with practicing authority in the United States. Brief introduction:
    • Through our understanding of the vast majority of cases and in-depth communication with various lawyers, we have established a legal fee cap calculation model (i.e. risk agency, which transfers the risk of the original client to the law firm), thereby reducing the concerns of sellers (avoiding the risk of hourly fees and inability to estimate the total cost of the case)
    • The percentage of low startup fee+unfrozen amount is the total lawyer’s fee, so the lawyer will do their best to unfreeze all funds
    • Response mode (needs to be analyzed based on different case situations): If there is no settlement during the entire response process, until zero compensation, it will take a long time; The best response plan currently is to suppress litigation and cooperate with subsequent low-priced settlements, which can quickly unfreeze funds and ultimately significantly reduce the settlement amount
    • Response+counterclaim: mainly aimed at the freezing of large amounts of funds, and the defendant is not a true infringer (this item needs to be discussed in detail)
  • Settlement (MOTION+email/phone): The motion documents must be drafted and submitted by American lawyers to the court for further settlement. The negotiation strength and fee standards are between responding to the lawsuit and direct settlement negotiations, suitable for cases of real infringement and slightly larger freezing. The lawyer must be a local Chinese lawyer/American lawyer with practicing authority in the United States;
  • Settlement (email/phone): Our settlement lawyer team can provide you with professional settlement services from a legal perspective. Payment of the settlement sincerity fee can initiate the settlement (two different settlement situations), suitable for small frozen cases. The lawyers are Chinese lawyers/American lawyers, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, with the aim of reducing compensation and making arrangements based on the actual situation

Why choose the Maijia support platform?

1、Early selection: The partner law firms/lawyers of the Maijia support platform are strictly screened according to the following standards to enhance their reputation, and are selected and reviewed in advance for you (valid US lawyer qualifications, all US resident offices, rich experience in handling cross-border e-commerce sellers’ overseas rights protection, and qualifications to appear in corresponding US state courts);
2、Professional experience: With years of experience in handling intellectual property infringement cases in the United States, proficient in defense points and response strategies, and having negotiated with all major plaintiff law firms thousands of times, the cooperating lawyers have graduated from well-known universities/law schools in the United States;
3、Charging fees: For cases involving litigation, settlement, and motion types, our company does not charge any fees to customers (only for cases involving direct settlement and negotiation, which will be uniformly charged by our company);
4、Case fees: The industry has the highest cost-effectiveness, and the fee ladder varies slightly depending on the nature of the case/frozen amount. Not the highest or lowest cost within the bank, all for the purpose of reducing total customer expenses and quickly unlocking accounts;
5、Response and settlement: In most cases, specific types of lawyers are assigned to response and settlement services respectively, avoiding the negative settlement effect caused by mixed discussions, but the response is not affected;
6、Service modes: A-settlement service (direct settlement/motion settlement), B-response service, C-counterclaim service (requesting compensation from the plaintiff).

We hope that when you receive legal aid and ultimately successfully unfreeze, you can inform more colleagues/friends whose store funds have been frozen and receive legal assistance.

—— Contact Us——

Customer service WeChat: maijiazhichi
QQ customer service: 11711906
WeChat public platform: 麦家支持