How long will it take to get the settlement after submitting the information?

Generally, two emails will be sent to the seller, one from the platform and one from the law firm. For example, the email sent by AliExpress platform to inform the seller that the account is frozen is the earliest email to inform the seller; Then another email officially informing the seller that the account was frozen was sent by GBC or other law firms.

Because the legal process is like this: the law firm applies to the court to sue the seller, and after the application is successful, the court will issue a temporary freezing order to the seller. The temporary freezing order is also called TRO, which is used to freeze the accounts of various platforms owned by the seller. TRO usually takes a long time.

During this period, the law firm will first send a preliminary injunction to the seller to inform the seller. Then the law firm will ask the platform to disclose the seller’s frozen fund data, which will take about a few weeks and a long time, because the platform will also extend the time of data disclosure as much as possible in order to protect its own rights and interests, so as not to actively cooperate with the law firm.

After the seller’s frozen data provided by the platform is sent to the law firm, the law firm can negotiate a settlement with the seller according to the specific news, and the settlement will be sent to the seller after both parties agree.

For example, a seller discussed the settlement today and determined the content, and it will take about two or three weeks to receive the settlement. However, if you get a frozen email from a plaintiff’s law firm such as GBC shortly after receiving the frozen email from the paypal platform, and then formally settle, it means that GBC law firm may have obtained the seller’s frozen data sent by the platform at this time, so it won’t take a long time to send the settlement.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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