Attention! Trademark copyright rights protection occurred one after another, and David Gilmour entrusted Keith to represent infringement cases.

Maybe you are not familiar with David Gilmour’s name, but you must have heard of Pink Floyd’s music. David Gilmour was born in Cambridge, England on March 6th, 1946. He is mainly known as the lead guitarist and singer of the rock band Pink Floyd. David joined the band in 1967 and is the fifth member of Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, Roger Waters and Richard Wright. In addition to being a member of Pink Floyd, David has also worked as a producer for many artists and enjoyed a successful career among individual artists. During his career, he also actively participated in a number of charitable causes, which won him the order of the british empire. Rolling stone magazine awarded David “one of the greatest guitarists.”

A few days ago, David Gilmour entrusted Keith Law Firm to act as an agent for infringement, and Maijia supported reminding all e-commerce Maijia to remove related products as soon as possible!

Basic information of the case: February 27, 2023. Case number: 2023-cv-01190 Plaintiff company: David Gilmour Music Ltd Law firm: Keith.

Summary of cases in recent two years

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm, brand side

2021/2/8 21-CV-699 Keith David Gilmour David Gilmour Music Ltd

The latest development of the case

Attention! Trademark copyright rights protection occurred one after another, and David Gilmour entrusted Keith to represent infringement cases.

Brand information David Gilmour, British record producer, Pink Floyd guitarist, singer and composer. David devoted his life to the development of charity. In 2003, he was awarded the British CBE Medal as an affirmation of his musical achievements.

Trademark copyright information

Attention! Trademark copyright rights protection occurred one after another, and David Gilmour entrusted Keith to represent infringement cases.

Examples of infringement

Attention! Trademark copyright rights protection occurred one after another, and David Gilmour entrusted Keith to represent infringement cases.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
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● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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