TRX fitness equipment rights protection! These appearance patents are infringed. Do you have them in your shop?

TRX is the abbreviation of Total Resistance Exercise, which means “Total Resistance Training”. However, the fitness industry seems to prefer to call it ” Suspension training system ” TRX suspension fitness system can help trainers complete almost all muscle training and improve strength, flexibility and core stability. TRX suspension fitness system has developed in recent years, and has entered the general fitness family. The current TRX training system consists of suspension belt, main rope, handle and foot ring. As long as a suspension point is found, it can become a fitness place at home, dormitory or outdoors. At present, the case is in the TRO stage. Mai Jia warmly reminds all e-commerce sellers to check their products as soon as possible! Basic information of the case: date of prosecution: February 1, 2023. CaseNo.: 2023-cv-00620. Plaintiff brand: TRX fitness equipment holds the patent for appearance. Brand: JFXD TRX ACQ LLC. Prosecution type: patent law firm: GBC. Summary of cases in recent two years:

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm, brand side

2023/2/1 23-cv-620 GBC TRX Fitness Equipment Handheld Appearance Patent JFXD TRX ACQ LLC

The latest development of the case

TRX fitness equipment rights protection! These appearance patents are infringed. Do you have them in your shop?

Brand information JFXD TRX ACQ LLC is located in Florida, and TRX is its brand. The TRX suspension training system was originally developed by the US military to ensure the training intensity of soldiers. Later, Randy Hetrick, the commander of the US Navy Seals, redesigned this system into a civilian fitness course, namely the TRX suspension training system. Trainers usually use TRX to hang training ropes for hundreds of different trainings, thus improving their strength, balance, flexibility and core stability. The training rope is light in weight and easy to carry, and is suitable for professionals traveling or any fitness trip. Trademark infringement information

TRX fitness equipment rights protection! These appearance patents are infringed. Do you have them in your shop?

Examples of infringement

TRX fitness equipment rights protection! These appearance patents are infringed. Do you have them in your shop?

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
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