Keith law firm in the United States has made another big move, representing more than 80 copyrighted paintings by the famous artist Jeff Bartels, covering a wide range!

Jeff Bartels is a professional artist from Canada. His works combine surrealist elements with surrealist styles to create strange and striking works of art.. His highly delicate oil painting skills show unique qualities of extreme realism and fantasy, so his works are called surrealism.

Jeff Bartels’ series of works includes seven series: painting, skull flag, Day of the Dead, animal death day, steampunk animals, sports animals and cute creatures, as well as party animals, candy skull signs, dragons and phoenixes, guitar girl with flags, spirit, patriotic penguin musicians, patriotic tree frog musicians, Chinese zodiac animals, DJ logo skulls and other works. These series show his rich creativity and diverse artistic expressions.

Basic information of the case: June 6, 2023.

Case number: 2023-cv-3541

Brand: Jeff Bartels

Law firm: keith

Summary of cases in recent two years

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm, brand side

2023/1/11 23-CV-150 Copyright painting Jeff Bartels by Keith Jeff Bartels

The latest development of the case

Keith law firm in the United States has made another big move, representing more than 80 copyrighted paintings by the famous artist Jeff Bartels, covering a wide range!

Brand information

The combination of realism and surrealism endows Jeff Bartels’ works with unique and charming charm. Jeff Bartels is a famous oil painting artist. He was born in Canada on April 11th, 1973. His works skillfully combine surrealist elements with all aspects of realism, creating a strange and striking sense of art.

Over the years, Jeff Bartels’ works have been exhibited in galleries and museums all over the world, including Canada, Europe and South Korea. Because of his outstanding artistic talent, his works are gradually applied to clothing, mobile phone cases, stickers, furniture and animal images, and have been widely praised and concerned.

It is understood that Jeff Bartels owns more than 80 copyright pictures (available). The earliest copyright application was made in October 2012, mainly involving animals, skulls, butterflies and other elements. The following are some copyright pictures.

Trademark copyright information

Keith law firm in the United States has made another big move, representing more than 80 copyrighted paintings by the famous artist Jeff Bartels, covering a wide range!

Keith law firm in the United States has made another big move, representing more than 80 copyrighted paintings by the famous artist Jeff Bartels, covering a wide range!

Keith law firm in the United States has made another big move, representing more than 80 copyrighted paintings by the famous artist Jeff Bartels, covering a wide range!

Examples of infringement

Keith law firm in the United States has made another big move, representing more than 80 copyrighted paintings by the famous artist Jeff Bartels, covering a wide range!

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