Another luggage brand rights protection! SMG Law Firm represented Gaoyade Goyard, the originator of French family box maker, to protect rights, and relevant sellers promptly checked the shelves!

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Goyard was founded in 1853 with a history of more than 150 years. Its founder is Francois Goyard. In the 19th century, European trains and ships developed, and large-scale travel appeared in society. Gaoyade Goyard had a case record in 2020 and 2021, and trademark infringement was mainly brand lines. At present, the case is still being updated, and the relevant sellers will promptly investigate and remove it!

Historical occurrence of cases

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2021/7/8 21-cv-61394 SMG Elegant De Goyard

2021/1/4 21-cv-60009 SMG Elegant De Goyard

2020/9/21 20-cv-61915 SMG Elegant De Goyard

2020/4/13 20-cv-60751 SMG Elegant De Goyard

Basic information of the case

CaseNo.: 22-cv-61837. Date of filing: October 3, 2022.

Brand: Goyard St-Honore

Plaintiff’s brand: Gaoyade Goyard

Plaintiff’s law firm: SMG

brand introduction

Goyard was founded in 1853 with a history of more than 150 years. Its founder is Francois Goyard. In the 19th century, European trains and ships developed, and large-scale travel appeared in society. At that time, the royal family, nobles and rich people loved to travel in the early spring. It took several months to go there at a time, and they needed a lot of Trunk to hold a lot of clothes and daily necessities, such as books, polo supplies, toiletries, etc., hoping to be as comfortable as at home during the trip.

Goyard designed suitcases for different purposes according to the needs of guests, such as Diptyque candle wooden cases and champagne boxes, which is a precedent. In the 1920s, the first suitcase designed to hold typewriters, papers and documents was granted a patent by the baggage department of the French government. There are also bike boxes and beer boxes that have never been seen before.

Therefore, Goyard’s customers include the British royal family, the President of the United States and Russian aristocrats. The wife of Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes, once ordered a desk for her husband to go out, and Naomi Campbell, a supermodel, also ordered a suitcase for her dog. Goyard can do it as long as the guests ask, which can be said to be popular in the upper class in Europe and America.

Examples of infringing products

Another luggage brand rights protection! SMG Law Firm represented Gaoyade Goyard, the originator of French family box maker, to protect rights, and relevant sellers promptly checked the shelves!

The latest development of the case

Another luggage brand rights protection! SMG Law Firm represented Gaoyade Goyard, the originator of French family box maker, to protect rights, and relevant sellers promptly checked the shelves!

(The above picture comes from: “Mai Jia Support” WeChat official account-Case System)

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