GBC Law Firm represents UAA sports trademark! Relevant information is being updated, click to view the latest case progress!

The UAA sports trademark is the owner of many famous and unique trademarks of the University of Florida and is responsible for protecting these trademarks. At present, there are few materials related to UAA sports trademarks, which belong to new brands in cross-border e-commerce infringement cases, so many sellers will neglect their vigilance. Mai Jia supports reminding sellers that they should not relax their vigilance, whether they are old brands with frequent cases or new brands like mushrooms after rain. Only by being cautious and paying attention to many aspects can we avoid infringement problems as soon as possible!

Basic information of the case

Time of filing the case: 2022/05/04

Case number: 22-cv-2327

Plaintiff’s law firm: GBC

Plaintiff brand: UAA sports trademark

Brand: The University Athletic Association, Inc.

brand introduction

The UAA sports trademark is the owner of many famous and unique trademarks of the University of Florida and is responsible for protecting these trademarks.

The University of Florida (UF), also known as UFL, is a public research university located in Gainesville, Florida, USA, and a member of the association of american universities. Its establishment can be traced back to 1853.

Known as the public Ivy League, the University of Florida is one of the top public universities in the United States, ranking 28th among the best universities in the United States and 5th among public universities in the United States in 2022 by U.S. News. Academic ranking of world universities ranked 95th in 2020, and ranked 107th in 2021U.S. News World University. In 2021, the master of finance ranked 30th in the QS Master of Business ranking, and the full-time MBA ranked 63rd in the world, among which the return on investment of Value for Money ranked first in the world. As one of the largest research universities in the United States, the university contributes nearly $6 billion to Florida’s economy every year and creates nearly 75,000 jobs. The University of Florida received a total of $583 million in research funding, more than all other universities in the state combined.

Examples of cross-border infringing products

GBC Law Firm represents UAA sports trademark! Relevant information is being updated, click to view the latest case progress!


Trademark copyright information

GBC Law Firm represents UAA sports trademark! Relevant information is being updated, click to view the latest case progress! GBC Law Firm represents UAA sports trademark! Relevant information is being updated, click to view the latest case progress! GBC Law Firm represents UAA sports trademark! Relevant information is being updated, click to view the latest case progress!


Case progress

GBC Law Firm represents UAA sports trademark! Relevant information is being updated, click to view the latest case progress!


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