Die to the end! Keith law firm, the biggest headache for cross-border e-commerce, has brought Jumali Bin Katani’s new copyright again!

Jumali Bin Katani is a digital art creator from Malaysia and the owner of the copyright painting in this case. Most of these paintings are based on cats and pandas, or with food; Or skateboarding, cycling, boxing and other fashionable and popular sports, which are very interesting and ornamental.

The 10 paintings of this rights protection were all created by Jumali Bin Katani between 2014 and 2019, and obtained American copyright in March 2023. This is the first time for Jumali Bin Katani to defend his works, and it is entrusted by ——keith Law Firm, one of the most troublesome law firms for cross-border sellers. Please check the speed of cross-border sellers. Copyright painting is an absolute disaster area in the cross-border e-commerce field, and it has a wide range, from clothing accessories to household items, which may be involved, especially for senior cross-border sellers who operate clothing and bedding. They should be most empathetic, and there are not a few people who have been frozen by keith Law Firm for three or four or five times.

Die to the end! Keith law firm, the biggest headache for cross-border e-commerce, has brought Jumali Bin Katani's new copyright again! Die to the end! Keith law firm, the biggest headache for cross-border e-commerce, has brought Jumali Bin Katani's new copyright again! Die to the end! Keith law firm, the biggest headache for cross-border e-commerce, has brought Jumali Bin Katani's new copyright again!    

In addition, on September 5, 2023, keith initiated the copyright protection of Svenja Schmitt again, with the case number of 2023-cv-07046, involving 49 copyright drawings, which is the sixth protection of the brand by keith Law Firm since August! Interested cross-border sellers can jump to the article on August 5, 2023: https://maijiazhichi.com/archives/16189.

Basic information of the case:

Prosecution time: September 6, 2023

Case number: 23-cv-07249

Brand: Jumali Bin Katani

Law firm: Keith

The latest development of the case:

Die to the end! Keith law firm, the biggest headache for cross-border e-commerce, has brought Jumali Bin Katani's new copyright again!

Brand profile:

Jumali Bin Katani is a digital artist with unique artistic style and creativity. His works have a variety of themes, combining cute animals, such as cats and pandas, with food and popular sports elements, which makes his works both interesting and fashionable, giving people a sense of sight.

Trademark copyright information:

Die to the end! Keith law firm, the biggest headache for cross-border e-commerce, has brought Jumali Bin Katani's new copyright again! Die to the end! Keith law firm, the biggest headache for cross-border e-commerce, has brought Jumali Bin Katani's new copyright again!

Examples of infringing products:

Die to the end! Keith law firm, the biggest headache for cross-border e-commerce, has brought Jumali Bin Katani's new copyright again!     

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● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/30353

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