GBC issued two cases in succession! Dyson Dyson vacuum cleaner only two months, four lawsuits? Remind sellers to be vigilant!

Since September 25th, 2020, when Dyson Dyson filed the case for the first time in recent two years, the brand has been litigating rights. According to relevant statistics, in 2021, the brand formally sued rights for four times, while in 2022, Dyson entrusted GBC to file the case for four times in just two months, which shows that the brand is increasingly pressing the infringement. According to the complaint made public by the law firm, Dyson Dyson should mainly defend the rights of words and designs this time. Mai Jia supports reminding relevant sellers that the goods must be carefully inspected before being put on the shelves, so as to avoid becoming the litigation object of Dyson Dyson as much as possible!

Historical occurrence of cases

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/4/15 22-cv-1948 GBC Dyson Dyson

2022/4/15 22-cv-1940 GBC Dyson Dyson

2022/2/14 22-cv-801 GBC Dyson Dyson

2022/2/7 22-cv-664 GBC Dyson Dyson

Basic information of the case

Time of filing the case: April 15, 2022

Case number: 22-cv-1948 & 22-cv-1940

Plaintiff’s law firm: GBC

Plaintiff brand: Dyson Dyson

Brand: Dyson Technology Limited

brand introduction

Jebsen Consumer Goods (China) Co., Ltd., Dyson Dyson, founded in Britain in 1993, is a world-famous vacuum cleaner manufacturer and inventor of dust-free bag vacuum cleaner, and is committed to designing and developing products that can simplify people’s lives with technology.

In 1970, when James Days was still studying at the Royal Academy of Art, he published his first work, the “Sea Truck” motorboat. Several years later, the award-winning design of the Ballbarrow came out, which can reach places that other wheelbarrows can’t. Subsequently, the amphibious wheelboat and the Trolleyball came out. Even the integral hose visible on most upright vacuum cleaners is one of Dyson’s inventions.

In 1978, james dyson noticed that the air filter in the spraying room of the wheelbarrow was frequently blocked by powder particles (just as the vacuum cleaner bag was blocked by dust). Therefore, he designed and built an industrial cyclone tower to remove those powdery particles by applying centrifugal force 100,000 times greater than gravity. Does the same principle apply to vacuum cleaners? James dyson started the research work, conducted 5127 model tests in five years, and finally the world’s first vacuum cleaner with clean bag came out through Dyson’s hand.

Official website:

Examples of cross-border infringing products

GBC issued two cases in succession! Dyson Dyson vacuum cleaner only two months, four lawsuits? Remind sellers to be vigilant!


Trademark copyright information

GBC issued two cases in succession! Dyson Dyson vacuum cleaner only two months, four lawsuits? Remind sellers to be vigilant! GBC issued two cases in succession! Dyson Dyson vacuum cleaner only two months, four lawsuits? Remind sellers to be vigilant! GBC issued two cases in succession! Dyson Dyson vacuum cleaner only two months, four lawsuits? Remind sellers to be vigilant!


Case progress

GBC issued two cases in succession! Dyson Dyson vacuum cleaner only two months, four lawsuits? Remind sellers to be vigilant!


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