TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated.

Many sellers woke up and received TRO frozen documents, looking at a loss and unable to find the infringement point. After several investigations, it was discovered that listing involved text infringement. Sherlock Holmes has issued a series of cases in the past two years, which is also a high-risk vocabulary. Nearly 100 shops involved in each case were frozen. In addition, three other word mark and two graphic trademarks are involved in this rights protection. At present, the case has just been put on file, and the accounts involved have not been frozen yet. Cross-border sellers need to investigate quickly and respond in time to avoid stepping on thunder.

Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes is a novel character created by Arthur Conan Doyle, a British detective novelist at the end of the 19th century. Sherlock Holmes claims to be a “consulting detective”, who is good at solving problems through observation and deduction and judicial science, which is legendary.

Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, with interesting and fascinating techniques, can span time and space and last forever, which resonates with many people: curiosity about exploring darkness and the unknown; The yearning for finding out the truth and doing justice; I hope to have superhuman wisdom, find out the logic and solve the problem in the chaotic and confusing puzzle. Novels are popular all over the world, and at the same time, many film and television images have been derived. More than 30 films were released between 1908 and 2020. In particular, more than 10 TV animation works have been accompanied by the growth of a generation. In addition, it also involves many cartoons, games and other images.

Basic information of the case:

Prosecution time: October 5, 2023

Case number: 2023-cv-14556

Brand: SHERLOCK HOLMES Sherlock Holmes

Law firm: TME

The latest development of the case:

TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. 

Summary of cases in recent two years:

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm

2023/10/15 23-CV-14556 tme Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes

2022/6/2 22-CV-2887 tme Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes

2021/9/24 21-CV-5067 am Sullivan Law, LLC Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes

2021/2/19 21-CV-929 am Sullivan Law, LLC Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes

Brand profile:

The plaintiff Conan Doyle Estate Ltd is a company named after the author Conan Doyle and a brand created for Conan Doyle’s legacy. The original and official characters conceived, developed and created by arthur conan doyle are represented by Conan Doyle Heritage Company. Each character shows the core DNA dating back to the life of a great man, and is as caring and ambitious as Sherlock Holmes, Brigadier General Gerard, Professor Challenger or any of his heroes. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated.

Trademark copyright information:

TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated.   

Examples of infringing products:

TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated. TME Law Firm represented Sherlock Holmes, a high-risk word, to defend rights again, and cross-border sellers were quickly investigated.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
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● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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