Explosion crisis! “Squid Game” was also involved in the infringement case?

Sellers who have been in the electric business circle for a long time will find that the popularity of explosions will inevitably bring disputes over trademark rights and intellectual property rights. Talking about the recent hot spots, we have to say the Korean TV series “Squid Game”, which is popular at home and abroad with its novel plot mode, and its horror and oppression have also become the characteristics of attracting audiences. At the same time, many merchants seized the opportunity and devoted themselves to the periphery of “Squid Game”, from small commodities such as mobile phone cases and toys to Shang Yan products such as clothes, masks and props. The related products of this TV series also made huge profits with the popularity of the TV series. However, profiteering belongs to profiteering after all, and the popularity of explosions will also bring many rights violations. Recently, Maijia Support learned that Netflix, as the producer of Squid Game, has entrusted lawyers to make infringement complaints to many businesses. This result can be imagined, and it will be a very cruel way. First, the accurate accusation of infringement has been greatly strengthened. Recently, many sellers have received copyright complaints from the producers of “squid games”. We got the information from the seller’s email that some products of the seller were suspected of infringing on the intellectual property rights of others or the copyright of goods, so the Amazon platform forced the relevant products to be removed from the shelves. In addition, some sellers have received dozens or even hundreds of infringement warnings, from which we can imagine that the losses behind this will certainly not be small. We learned that Netflix, the production company of squid games, not only sued the infringing merchants, but also entrusted BrandShield as a third-party company to carry out a batch of infringement complaints against sellers, and the complaints were unprecedented, and countless sellers were affected, and the final result was terrible. Despite this, there are still sellers who have a lucky mind, do not take the complained businesses as a mirror, and insist on trying to make huge profits by rubbing this hot spot. As a result, they are notified of several complaints within a week, resulting in heavy compensation and asking for trouble. Second, is it a hot spot? It’s even more thunder! The data shows that in the past month, the keyword search degree of “squid game” and “Squid Game” on Amazon platform has reached 806,878. Prior to this, only on the Amazon platform, the search ranking of “Squid Game Clothing” jumped from 190,000 to the fourth place, and the number of “Squid Game” related products on Amazon’s American website reached 4,000. The benefits brought by popular products are numerous, but at the same time, minefields are buried everywhere. This is also the so-called coexistence of opportunities and dangers. Everyone wants to make huge profits from it, but they will also be accidentally involved in infringement complaints. Hot IP is very popular, but if you are not careful, it is a hot spot and a lightning spot. In fact, not only Netflix, the producer of squid games, but also most film and television companies and entertainment companies pay great attention to the protection of intellectual property rights and copyrights of their products. Therefore, those so-called explosions are honey and poison. I hope that sellers will pay attention to the ownership of copyright when choosing products, and don’t wait until they accidentally fall into the trap of infringement and the products are labeled with infringement. Third, the explosion of rights protection is far from enough. In fact, many sellers can understand “explosion = rights protection”, especially for film and television works, because the infringement that explosion needs to face has always been small, so the power of peacekeeping has once become stronger and stronger. Like Netflix, there are 7,707 copyrights. Generally speaking, the periphery of film and television works includes characters, props, costumes and scenes, etc., and the final developed film and television derivatives and commercial products include toys, costumes, ornaments, books, theme parks, etc. Because of the wide coverage, the scope of infringement is indispensable, and the final complaints can be imagined. In fact, not only for the recent explosion of the “squid game”, many popular TV dramas under Netflix have similar phenomena, that is, a series of peripheral products have mushroomed when they burst into red. Therefore, this kind of infringement phenomenon should have attracted the attention of sellers. As the appeal said, similar incidents have long been in the forefront. The rise of explosive film and television dramas such as “Strange Tales” and “Banknote House” produced by Netflix in the past has caused many sellers to start their peripheral products. Just last year, Netflix took these sellers who violated their trademark rights to court, and in the end they were not worth the candle. Not only that, according to the data, Netflix and its five subsidiaries have applied for a total of 7,707 copyrights. Therefore, Mai Jia supports sincerely reminding sellers to avoid the sales of peripheral products as much as possible. If you really want to produce or sell peripheral products related to film and television dramas, it is best to negotiate with the relevant rights holders of film and television works and sell them after obtaining product authorization. On the other hand, this is also a guarantee of interests. Due to Netflix’s frequent rights protection on various platforms recently, Maijia Support reminds sellers to pay more attention to avoiding related works, especially the film and television works produced by the company, and at the same time avoid the similarities in product trademarks and names as much as possible. It is even more necessary to be highly vigilant about the sales of surrounding products!

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