New year’s day gift package: those things about the settlement money, dry goods sharing, hurry up!

Sellers often ask questions about the wire transfer of settlement money when the settlement is successful. Today, we will popularize the wire transfer of settlement money for everyone.

When receiving the settlement agreement from the law firm, I should first say congratulations to you. Congratulations, under the condition that both parties agree, the communication between the two parties in the early stage has finally been in vain, and finally we have achieved our wishes, and there is no absence motion due to time. At this time, most sellers who are settling for the first time must be unfamiliar with the whole process. First of all, they will have doubts. Is wire transfer safe? If I pay the money, the plaintiff will default after receiving the amount and will not settle with me?

In fact, it is normal to have this worry, but don’t worry too much. Still have to uphold the attitude of mutual trust. As long as we make sure that the account information is entered correctly and the remittance is made in strict accordance with the lawyer’s instructions and comments, the plaintiff will receive the corresponding money. Moreover, whether the settlement amount has been remitted will be shown in the records of the remitter. We will keep the remittance voucher after remittance, and we are not afraid that the other party will not recognize it. In addition, since the plaintiff has agreed to the settlement and issued a settlement agreement, it is impossible to affect his own reputation because of petty gain, or even deliberately embezzle the settlement money to cause a crime. Generally, after checking the accounts and confirming the receipt of the money, after internal procedures, they will apply to the court for withdrawing the lawsuit or closing the case.

New year's day gift package: those things about the settlement money, dry goods sharing, hurry up! Some sellers may ask if there is money in my account. Can I transfer it to the plaintiff through the platform? Here, Maijia Support wants to tell you that the payees designated by the plaintiff are all their law firms, so we can only remit the settlement money to the public accounts of their law firms according to their tips. Generally, it is not recommended to cross the platform. Here are some reasons:

1. The platform deduction will basically be after the whole case is completed, and the plaintiff’s law firm will submit the deduction agreement to the platform side in a unified way. The time span is very large, basically starting from half a year. During this period, the account has been frozen.

2, the platform deducts money, and it is not easy for the plaintiff to get the money. In the end, it is only our seller’s own time that is delayed.

3. AliExpress accounts can consider the settlement payment method as appropriate, because AliExpress accounts only freeze the account funds at the time of the crime, and subsequent sales funds can be withdrawn and cannot be removed without permission. On this basis, AliExpress sellers will have a slight advantage over platform sellers such as Amazon.

Sellers often ask, which bank can I go to for remittance? Maijia Support suggests that sellers can first call ICBC 95588 customer service number to ask which local outlet supports the transfer of domestic accounts to corporate accounts in the United States (other banks, Hong Kong banks and American banks can finally transfer money successfully).

In addition, assuming that the remitter is inconvenient to remit money, he can find a trusted friend to help him remit money. Just report the name of the actual remitter to the other party after remittance to facilitate the other party’s audit.

Finally, remind sellers to carefully fill in the payee’s account information when telegraphic transfer, as long as the account number is not filled in incorrectly, there will be no problem in telegraphic transfer. In addition, it is necessary to note the case number+store name during wire transfer (be careful not to bring any symbols, if you must fill in symbols, you can use spaces instead), and send screenshots or scans of remittance records to the corresponding responsible lawyers for subsequent verification.

Thank you for reading, and today’s sharing is over. Maijia Support continues to bring you the latest infringement news. More exciting content can be found on the WeChat public platform-“Maijia Support” to instantly check the latest trend of your US case, whether there is a default judgment and the counterclaims of other sellers [real-time synchronization of US judicial case system data]. If a seller with frozen funds needs legal assistance in litigation and settlement, you can contact us through WeChat below, and we will provide you with the best legal consulting service.

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