Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.

As early as September, 2022, Mai Jia supported the publication of caseNo. 20-cv-7138, in which a judgment was signed on February 23, 2021, and each defendant had to compensate the plaintiff for 500,000 US dollars (corresponding to the case information Case No.: HC/S 861/2021 in Singapore, the judgment was signed on May 4, 2022, and each defendant compensated the plaintiff for 500,000 US dollars). At that time, please refer to the judgment document provided by AliExpress:

Let’s take a look at the basic information of this Nike infringement case in Singapore, as follows:

Defendant AliExpress: 171 stores (the list is displayed below, and other documents can be obtained from Mai Jia’s support) Case No.: HC/OC 68/2023 Singapore Plaintiff Law Firm: Drew & Napier LLC Case Status: Not yet decided (the seller has not received the freezing order from Singapore at the time of publication, Only the litigation documents of the original case of 21-cv-2691 in the United States obtained information: the plaintiff indicated in the litigation documents that the defendant seller refused to carry out the American judgment order, so the plaintiff claimed that each defendant in this case was 100,000 US dollars, and the interest was paid at the annual interest rate of 33% after the judgment; Put forward a defense within 5 weeks after receiving the claim statement. If not, the court can make a judgment on the defendant. Note: The case number in the United States corresponds to: 21-cv-2691 (the judgment order “US Judgment” was signed on July 29, 2021, and each seller awarded compensation of 100,000 US dollars).

The following is the seller’s freezing/email information:

Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.

(Seller freezes funds)

Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.

(E-mail content received by the seller)

The following is part of the litigation document information:

Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.

(Plaintiff’s Claim)

Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.

(Plaintiff’s Claim Statement)

According to the litigation documents, since the seller received this email/litigation document, it is expected that the fastest judgment will be made in May. The seller needs to raise the funds in time and always pay attention to the latest situation of this case, and needs to entrust the law firm to handle it as soon as possible.

This lawsuit does not rule out that the local lawyer local counsel, whom GBC Law Firm is looking for in Singapore, is involved in the lawsuit, or that the plaintiff entrusts a local law firm in Singapore to conduct another transnational lawsuit with American case materials. It is not easy to make an absolute judgment for the time being, but from the current point of view, it is highly probable that GBC Law Firm is a professional expert in the whole process.

This kind of business model of obtaining lawsuits for infringement, freezing funds, settling/responding for compensation, or finally deducting funds is very mature in the United States, but in other countries, it is still crossing the river by feeling the stones. In addition, there are some differences in the laws and litigation procedures of each country, so the plaintiff’s litigation cost is very high in the early stage. Therefore, in order to solve this kind of cases, it is feared that the seller will compensate more funds before lifting the store restrictions. Fortunately, Nike is the plaintiff brand that is willing to accept certain compensation to solve the seller’s legal cases, so there is no need to worry too much about the store taking it.

At present, Maijia Support ( platform has resources of local lawyers in Singapore and many lawyers in the United States. If sellers or cooperative service providers need to obtain relevant litigation documents to understand the case, please scan the code below and contact us to provide them. At the end, a list of some defendants is attached.


The following is a list of defendants in some litigation documents:

Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.

Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.

Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.

Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.

Great news! The local law firm in Singapore relayed the lawsuit against 171 cross-border e-commerce AliExpress sellers of Nike brand infringement.


The above is a list of defendants in Singapore lawsuit Case No.: HC/OC 68/2023. The content of the article is limited, so please contact us to provide it.

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● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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