Amazon Store’s 0 sales volume was infringed by American law firms, resulting in the freezing of funds?

Anyone familiar with economic activities knows that sellers are always placed in a “critical” zone. As early as 2019, the disputes over sales and infringement complaints kept coming and going. With the passage of time and the improvement of the law, such rumors gradually weakened. However, when the seller thought he was safe enough, another complaint about suspected plagiarism pushed the seller to the trial platform because the patterns on his products were highly similar to those designed by a game company.

According to an in-depth investigation, the complained seller is involved in the clothing products in the field of Amazon France Station. The complaint was made because the seller claimed that his product had a pattern of a game company, but in fact, one of the seller’s own products was complained by the game company before it was released.

Amazon Store's 0 sales volume was infringed by American law firms, resulting in the freezing of funds? The following is an email from Amazon sent by the seller in the group:

The seller may not have thought that he had just stepped into the door of the new world and had been complained before the order was issued. Sellers who have experienced infringement know that if they receive complaints about dumping rights on Amazon platform and want to continue marketing after the account is frozen, they must submit relevant documents through the specified steps in the email sent by Amazon in order to unfreeze their stores and continue selling.

However, this seller is more miserable. What is special is that his product has not yet been issued, and he can’t provide an invoice at all, which does not meet the conditions for unfreezing funds.

This seller is a typical case of infringement complaint, which tells sellers to be cautious in both product selection and product sales. Most recent cases of infringement are issued by the same law firms, and Amazon has gradually investigated them. Under the scrutiny of major platforms, I hope sellers will not take any chances.

Relatively speaking, in the past, most sellers’ infringement cases were fished, and the law firms where sellers were sued appeared frequently, including KEITH law firm, EPS law firm, GBC law firm and so on.

In this case, sellers are also warned that it is best not to touch some products with game patterns to sell, otherwise the consequences may be more serious.

Why do so many sellers take risks to sell products related to games or with their patterns? In fact, most of them are trying to seek greater profits from it with the help of their popularity, but the result is often that they are convicted of infringement, resulting in huge losses. A big seller once pointed out that most of the products like those with soaring popularity are actually infringing, and the case of fortress night infringement is an obvious example.

Amazon Store's 0 sales volume was infringed by American law firms, resulting in the freezing of funds? Since the sales route is full of thunder, how can sellers effectively avoid infringement complaints?

First, upload the title carefully. Sellers should never upload brand words when the product title is uploaded, otherwise it will be easily convicted of infringement.

Second, choose popular patterns carefully. Especially popular designs, such as Disney and Piggy Page, should also be carefully selected. Especially for sellers of clothing, clothes with patterns must be used with caution! If you are not sure, you’d better avoid it, otherwise the result will be like the seller complained in this case, whose account is frozen and the losses are heavy.

Third, big-name logo should avoid motorcycles like KTM as soon as possible. Don’t use its logo easily until you get the brand authorization of some big foreign brands.

In recent years, the state has greatly improved the protection of intellectual property rights, and the punishment for intellectual property infringement has become stricter. As the target of rectification, sellers should establish the meaning of intellectual property protection as soon as possible, and don’t ruin their hard-earned achievements because of temporary negligence, which is what everyone doesn’t want to see. To effectively avoid infringement complaints, sellers need to regularly check their product titles and descriptions, as well as check email information, etc., and remember that it is best to withdraw funds regularly every day, and don’t regret it when you receive infringement emails.

(The article comes from the Internet)

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