Laura Graves Products

Brand: Laura Graves Prosecution Type: Trademark Agency: keith

2022/8/8 22-cv-4147 Keith Laura Graves Products Laura Graves

2023/1/26 23-cv-488 Keith Laura Graves Products Laura Graves

2023/7/10 23-cv-4414 Keith Laura Graves Products Laura Graves

2023/7/10 23-cv-4417 Keith Laura Graves Products Laura Graves

2023/9/11 23-CV-8954 Copyright Painting by Keith Laura Graves

Brand introduction: Laura Graves is a freelance artist from Toronto, Canada. She has created a series of fantastic animated characters and is famous for her expressive animal portraits. Many of her most popular works are her two cats and her paintings by Ke Jiquan Sadie. Her paintings are inspired by children’s books, fairy tales, and her two cats and Koki Sadie. She endows small animals with human character and her own imagination, and the characters in most of her works seem to heal human beings all the time.

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