Cann’t stand it! American Psycho, who has frozen hundreds of stores, is back! Involving trademarks and copyrights

This is a hidden case. It was found by Xiaobian that although it was anonymous, the formula was still a familiar formula. In the past two years, it has filed three cases, involving more than 100 stores each time. This case involves the American psycho trademark newly issued in March 2023 and seven copyrights issued in 1998, 1999 and 2002 respectively. Whether it will affect more fish in the pool is unknown for the time being. However, at present, the plaintiff has applied for the TRO temporary freezing motion, and it is expected that the shops involved will be frozen in the near future. Before that, the seller’s friends can promptly investigate and respond.

American Psycho is a horror movie released in April 2000, with Christian Bale as the main character. He plays an investment banker during the day and a serial killer at night. This movie has a star-studded cast and has become one of his most iconic and famous horror movies. This film is adapted from Brett Easton Ellis’ novel of the same name, and tells the story that Patrick Bateman, the protagonist, is a stockbroker on Wall Street, who is young and promising. However, when night falls, his dark side is awakened and shows his evil character.

Basic information of the case:

Prosecution time: November 29, 2023

Case number: 23-cv-16349

Brand: Edward R. Pressman Film Corporation


The latest development of the case:

Cann't stand it! American Psycho, who has frozen hundreds of stores, is back! Involving trademarks and copyrights

Summary of cases in recent two years:

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm

2023/11/29 23-cv-16349 ARONBERG GOLDGEHN American Psycho

2022/5/9 22-cv-2451 AMS American Psycho

2021/11/20 21-cv-6235 AMS American Psycho

2021/11/17 21-cv-6135 AMS American Psycho

Brand profile:

Edward R. Pressman Film Corporation is a world-class film production company founded by producer Edward R. Pressman. The production company has more than 90 outstanding films and won many famous awards. The American mental patient was released in the United States on April 14th, 2000, and won the honor of the best film in the film category of the International Association of Horror Literature. As of November 21, 2022, the global box office of this film was 34.26 million US dollars.

Trademark copyright information:

Cann't stand it! American Psycho, who has frozen hundreds of stores, is back! Involving trademarks and copyrights

Cann't stand it! American Psycho, who has frozen hundreds of stores, is back! Involving trademarks and copyrights

Examples of infringing products:

Cann't stand it! American Psycho, who has frozen hundreds of stores, is back! Involving trademarks and copyrights

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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