Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO.

2023-cv-07195 was an anonymous case in September. It was filed on September 6th and applied for a temporary injunction of TRO, which was signed on October 31st. On November 13th, TRO was signed to extend the injunction until November 28th. Upon inquiry, the brand is SmoothAir, Inc, and the infringing product is an oil discharge product named Form-A-Funnel. The trademark of the same name was applied in 2008 and was certified in 2010. In addition, the product also applies for relevant copyright, and cross-border sellers need to be cautious in selling.

2023-cv-14403 was an anonymous case in early October. It was sealed on October 2, and a temporary TRO ban was signed on November 3, and the seller’s funds involved were frozen. At present, the TRO ban has been extended to December 8. Then the relevant information of the case gradually surfaced, and the product involved was the trademark, copyright and patent protection of a silicone foldable pizza box. According to the plaintiff’s application for preliminary injunction, there are as many as 350 ASIN involved in this case. If you accidentally encounter this case, you can contact Xiaobian to check the list involved.

Form-A-Funnel oil drainage tool

Brand profile:

Form-a-Funnel oil drain tool is a flexible tool, which can guide the oil from small to large vehicles, motorcycles, airplanes and heavy equipment into the oil drain pipe, so as to change the oil easily and smoothly. Form-a-funnel can be easily bent to fit in a narrow space, can accommodate any shape, and is wide enough to catch every drop of water. Edges can be molded around large filters and drains to form a leak-proof seal. The tool is made of a moldable aluminum alloy core encapsulated in thick and flexible nitrile rubber, which is completely unaffected by automobile liquids and chemicals, and is not affected by temperatures as high as 425 degrees.

Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO.

Form-a-Funnel can easily shape and discharge the liquid that is difficult to discharge directly into the drainage pipe, thus preventing oil and other liquids from contacting users, vehicles and workshop floors. To clean after use, just spray any cleaning agent or degreasing agent and wipe off dirt or oil stains. When not in use, it can be stored flat or rolled up in a toolbox or glove box.

Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO.

Basic information of the case: date of prosecution: September 6, 2023.

Case number: 2023-cv-07195

Brand: SmoothAir, Inc

Law firm: Saper Law Offices, LLC.

The latest development of the case:

Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO.

Summary of cases in recent two years

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm

2023/9/6 23-cv-7195 Saper Law Offices Form-A-Funnel

2021/7/23 21-cv-3924 Saper Law Offices Form-A-Funnel

Trademark copyright information:

Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO.

Examples of infringing products:

Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO. 

Pizza Pack silicone collapsible pizza box

Brand profile:

Are you tired of the same breakfast? Pizza Pack silicone collapsible pizza box is equipped with five perfect pizza trays to prevent slices from sticking together, and can also be used as a plate when going out for a picnic or traveling. Imagine the smell of sizzling sausages, crispy bacon, creamy eggs and melted cheese floating through your home. This is an instant way to boost your mood, and it is also a reliable way to make everyone radiant after getting up!

Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO.

Basic information of the case:

Prosecution time: October 2, 2023

Case number: 2023-cv-14403

Brand: Pizza Pack, LLC

Law firm: Flener IP and Business Law

The latest development of the case:

Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO.

Trademark copyright information:

Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO. Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO. Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO. Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO.

Examples of infringing products:

Two more cases of hidden filing of niche utility tools, Form-A-Funnel oil drain tool and Pizza Pack folding pizza box, were frozen by TRO.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
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● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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