Cross-border sellers must see! Laura Graves entrusts Keith, the acting king of copyright painting, to stir up another thousand waves.

On the edge of Toronto, Canada, Laura Graves, a freelance artist, lives in a world built by infinite imagination and endless creativity. Her world is full of vivid and interesting animated characters, which attract people’s attention with their own charm. Her works are famous for their individual animal portraits, among which her paintings of two cats and a Ke Jiquan are the most popular. Her paintings are inspired by children’s books and fairy tales, but more specifically, they come from her real life-her two cats, one named Ollie and the other named Selina, and her Koki Sadi. Under her brush, these lively animals not only have distinct personalities, but also are full of her understanding and imagination of the world. She endowed these small animals with human character and emotion, even her imagination. Her works have a magical power, as if they can heal people’s hearts. Every detail is full of her passion and emotion, which makes her works not only works of art, but also her understanding and expression of the world. Is the kitten cute? Meng is in my heart! Is it cured? Cure! Can you put it on cups, clothes, hats, bags and wherever you want to put it? Can’t! ! The 10 pictures involved in this copyright infringement, Xiaobian painstakingly reminded the majority of sellers and friends: keep the money bag and protect the safety of funds. These pictures are not authorized, so don’t touch any more sales in the market!

Cross-border sellers must see! Laura Graves entrusts Keith, the acting king of copyright painting, to stir up another thousand waves.

Basic information of the case:

Prosecution time: July 10, 2023

Case numbers: 23-cv-4414 and 23-cv-4417.

Brand: Laura Graves

Law firm: Keith

The latest development of the case:

  Cross-border sellers must see! Laura Graves entrusts Keith, the acting king of copyright painting, to stir up another thousand waves.    

Summary of cases in recent two years:

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2023/7/10 23-cv-4414 Keith Laura Graves Products

2023/7/10 23-cv-4417 Keith Laura Graves Products

2023/1/26 23-cv-488 Keith Laura Graves Products

2022/8/8 22-cv-4147 Keith Laura Graves Products

Brand profile:

Laura Graves is a freelance artist from Toronto, Canada. She is famous for her expressive animal portraits. Her works not only show her understanding of the world, but also show her love and understanding of life. Her world and her works make people feel deeply warm and moved, as if every observation and creation is a new beginning and a new understanding and understanding of life.

Trademark copyright information Cross-border sellers must see! Laura Graves entrusts Keith, the acting king of copyright painting, to stir up another thousand waves.

Cross-border sellers must see! Laura Graves entrusts Keith, the acting king of copyright painting, to stir up another thousand waves.

Examples of infringing products:

Cross-border sellers must see! Laura Graves entrusts Keith, the acting king of copyright painting, to stir up another thousand waves.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
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● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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