GBC Law Firm has issued a new case! Bluey Bourrouilh cartoon officially protects rights, check yourself quickly!

Presumably, many sellers are familiar with Peggy Piggy, and the Bluey Bourrouilh cartoon represented by GBC Law Firm has been played more than 75 million times so far, making it the most downloaded program in the history of ABC iView, and Australians have said, “This is the best cartoon I have ever seen!” “This is the best cartoon ever made by ABC TV!” With the increasing popularity of this cartoon, there are countless cases of infringing on the brand. In order to avoid unnecessary risks and losses, sellers should carefully check the products in the store to ensure that each product conforms to the terms of service of merchants and relevant applicable laws (including laws on intellectual property protection), and find them in time, check and correct themselves!

Basic information of the case

Time of filing the case: March 18, 2022

Case number: 22-cv-1441

Plaintiff’s law firm: GBC

Plaintiff brand: Bluey Bourrouilh.

Brand: BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

brand introduction

Bluey (Bourrouilh) is an animated film jointly released by ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) and BBC last October, which is suitable for preschool children. Soon after the broadcast, I got a high score of 9.5 points on IMDb (compared with 6.3 points for Peggy Piggy), and Australians all said, “This is the best cartoon I have ever seen!” “This is the best cartoon ever made by ABC TV!”

Up to now, Bluey has been played more than 75 million times, making it the most downloaded program in the history of ABC iView, surpassing Peggy Piggy, which has been broadcast for many years and has 200 episodes. Not long ago (June 30th this year), it won this year’s “Outstanding Children’s Drama Award”. Not only children like Bluey, but also Australian parents, grandparents and grandparents are fascinated by this cartoon and its characters.

The story background of Bluey takes place in Brisbane, the third largest city in Australia. It has a lot of Australian language and scenery. It is a cartoon with Australian characteristics, and it also has a strong sense of the times: toys played by children, appliances at home, parents’ mobile phones, computers, etc. are all contemporary products, which look like our daily life and are very kind.

In the “Bluey” series, Bandit was present most of the time when the children were playing games, and cooperated 100%. Although sometimes he is tired and wants to watch a cricket match, or whether he has finished his work, he is full of infinite patience in the face of his two daughters and always makes them enjoy themselves. Bandit is not the kind of father who makes people laugh because of his funny behavior. His humor contains his understanding of children. Therefore, he can often make the two sisters laugh at the same time, but also let them take the initiative to accept some valuable truths.

Examples of cross-border infringing products

GBC Law Firm has issued a new case! Bluey Bourrouilh cartoon officially protects rights, check yourself quickly!


Trademark copyright information

GBC Law Firm has issued a new case! Bluey Bourrouilh cartoon officially protects rights, check yourself quickly! GBC Law Firm has issued a new case! Bluey Bourrouilh cartoon officially protects rights, check yourself quickly! GBC Law Firm has issued a new case! Bluey Bourrouilh cartoon officially protects rights, check yourself quickly!


Case progress

GBC Law Firm has issued a new case! Bluey Bourrouilh cartoon officially protects rights, check yourself quickly!


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