Keith law firm represents copyright painting again! ANNE WERTHEIM’s first rights protection

ANNE WERTHEIM is a freelance illustrator, painter and designer from Germany who lives in Maui, Hawaii. She observes the world with innocent eyes and feels the true meaning of life from it, which makes her works have a strong and distinctive personality.

Basic information of the case

Time of prosecution: July 3, 2023

Case number: 2023-cv-4253


Law firm: keith

The latest development of the case

Keith law firm represents copyright painting again! ANNE WERTHEIM's first rights protection

Brand information

ANNE WERTHEIM is an experienced illustrator. She has been engaged in creative work in the field of illustration for more than 20 years, and is committed to providing high-quality image services for major advertising companies, publishers, independent authors and design companies!

Trademark copyright information

Keith law firm represents copyright painting again! ANNE WERTHEIM's first rights protection

Keith law firm represents copyright painting again! ANNE WERTHEIM's first rights protection

Keith law firm represents copyright painting again! ANNE WERTHEIM's first rights protection

Example of sale in official website

Keith law firm represents copyright painting again! ANNE WERTHEIM's first rights protection

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