Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement-Watch out for Infringement of Shark Sleeping Bag

This product is very suitable for children who sleep a lot and sleep uneasily. Using this blanket, no matter how she moves, the blanket will stay on her all night, so parents no longer have to worry about their children catching a cold because they don’t cover the quilt properly.

Most other tail blankets are designed so that the feet will be at a point at the end of the tail, which will soon make people uncomfortable. This shark sleeping bag is different from them. The highlight of the product design is that it allows users to directly put their feet into the fish tail without making people feel uncomfortable. Therefore, it is very comfortable to use when traveling or watching movies, and it can keep warm. Besides, the product is machine washable and easy to clean.

Xiaobian found through search that:

Patent situation:

Registered American appearance patent

Patent number: D796151

Estimated maturity date: 2032

Details of the U.S. patent map are shown in the following figure:

Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement-Watch out for Infringement of Shark Sleeping Bag

Development of shark infringing products: (only show part)

Early warning of American patent product infringement;

Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement-Watch out for Infringement of Shark Sleeping Bag

Early warning of copyright product infringement in the United States;

Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement-Watch out for Infringement of Shark Sleeping Bag

Copyright validity science:

People often ask how long the copyright is valid.

Xiaobian gives you the answer here.

The copyright duration of a particular work depends on several factors.

1. Has it been published? If it has been published, the date of its first publication, as a general rule;

2. For works created after January 1, 1978, the copyright protection period is the author’s lifetime, plus 70 years;

3. For anonymous works, pseudonyms or works made for employment, the copyright is valid for 95 years from the year of first publication or 120 years from the year of creation, whichever expires first;

4. For works first published before 1978, to determine the term of copyright protection for specific works, please refer to Chapter 3 of the Copyright Law (Chapter 17 of the United States Code).

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/26835

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