Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement —— Watch out for Infringement of Slow Stewed Pot Cover Storage Rack

This is a cover bracket specially designed for a slow cooker. It only needs to be connected to the edge of the slow cooker to receive the lid and has a built-in drip container. Overall, the design of the product is excellent. It can catch the messy condensed water, so that the countertop is more tidy and will not cause mess. Using this product will make it easier to use the kitchen, and you don’t have to worry about the pot cover with nowhere to put it and the dripping problem everywhere.

Xiaobian found through search that:

Product patents:

At present, American and Canadian invention patents are registered.

Patent number: US8740159B2/CA2746565C

The specific details of the American invention patent map are shown as follows: (There is a risk of patent infringement)

Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement —— Watch out for Infringement of Slow Stewed Pot Cover Storage Rack

A cover bracket for a slow cooker has a tray supported on a belt at the edge of the slow cooker. The tray has an inner wall and an outer wall between which a cover for a cooker can be inserted. The tray can completely support the cover so as to drip water on a fin between the inner wall and the outer wall.

Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement —— Watch out for Infringement of Slow Stewed Pot Cover Storage Rack

The invention relates to a cover holder suitable for most slow stews, and a hands-free cover holder which can be used with any slow stews. The cover holder has a tray, a hole at the base, and a container for collecting liquid flowing out of the cover is designed at the bottom. The invention provides a cover holder which does not occupy counter space and frees hands, and does not lead water droplets back to the cooker or flow onto the supporting surface.


Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement —— Watch out for Infringement of Slow Stewed Pot Cover Storage Rack

The pot cover of the slow stew pot has a container with a dome cover, which has a hollow interior and a rim with an internal wall frame for entering the interior of the container, and the size and shape of the lid are designed to fit in the rim and use a gap between the lid and the rim when it is located on the internal wall frame. The lid holder includes a tray suspended on a belt, which has an inner wall and an outer wall, at least a part of which can be placed between the inner wall and the outer wall, and the inner wall and the outer wall are connected along the lower edge by bending the bottom.

The belt has an upper end and a lower end attached to the upper edge of the inner wall, the upper end extends upward, bends at a first right angle to form a leg and bends at a second right angle to form a straight flange, the flange is divided into fingers adapted to be accommodated in a gap between the lid and the edge, and the leg is adapted to span the edge between the flange and the outer periphery of the edge, the belt has a length such that the tray is supported above the surface where the slow cooker is placed, the lid leans against the container edge, and the belt has a length such that the tray is supported.

Patent summary:

1. The slow stewing pot cover is provided with a container with a round top cover;

2. The lid holder has a tray and a liquid collection container below;

3. The belt has an upper end and a lower end, and the length of the belt can support the tray;

Products with the above characteristics have the risk of patent infringement.

How to judge the infringement of invention patent?

1, the product contains the necessary technical features in the claim, that is, the scope of protection, which will constitute patent infringement;

2. The technical features of the product are more than the necessary technical features in the claim, which also constitutes infringement;

For example:

There are 123 claims, and there are 123 products complained about, which means infringement;

In another case, claim 123 and complained product 1234 are also infringed.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/26843

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