What is the specific process of reconciliation?

First, personal information is registered, and the information is sent to the plaintiff’s lawyer. After the plaintiff’s lawyer draws up the settlement letter, the seller receives the content conditions and signs it. After the lawyer’s fee is paid, the signed settlement letter needs to be sent to the plaintiff, and then the plaintiff sends the confirmed settlement letter to the platform. The platform will impose a fine on the defendant according to the settlement letter. After the fine, the plaintiff needs to show the withdrawal letter to the court. Finally, the plaintiff informs the platform that after the withdrawal is completed, the platform will unfreeze the defendant’s seller account.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/32312

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