Quick check! Lawyer Keith, the agent of copyright painting king, will take on a new case! Collinboggle defended rights for the first time and has not been frozen yet.

Collin Bogle is an artist from America. He is famous for his impressive wildlife paintings. Since 1990, he has started his artistic career and created many beautiful and realistic animal portraits.

Bogle’s artistic skills can be called the inheritance of family art. His father, Lee Bogle, is a famous Native American artist. Influenced by his father, Collin Bogle began to paint at an early age. Over time, he developed his own techniques and styles, especially in animal art. He usually uses watercolors, pencils and pastels to create paintings, which are often described as surreal and photographically precise.

Collinboggle official website: https://collinbogle.com/

Quick check! Lawyer Keith, the agent of copyright painting king, will take on a new case! Collinboggle defended rights for the first time and has not been frozen yet.

Image source: Collinboggle official website

This is Collin Bogle’s first rights protection, involving 13 copyright paintings, and expanding the territory for Keith Law Firm’s copyright painting agent territory. At present, there is no substantial progress in the case, but with keith’s efficiency, it is probable that TRO will be applied for freezing in the next two weeks. Please check and withdraw cash from the shelves in time to avoid capital damage.

Basic information of the case:

Prosecution time: August 21, 2023

Case number: 2023-cv-05795

Brand: Collin Bogle

Law firm: keith

The latest development of the case:

Quick check! Lawyer Keith, the agent of copyright painting king, will take on a new case! Collinboggle defended rights for the first time and has not been frozen yet.

(Source: WeChat official account “Mai Jia Support” case self-service inquiry system

Tips: Forward the above picture to a friend on WeChat, open the picture and long press it to translate it into Chinese.

Brand profile:

Collinboggle combines watercolors, colored pencils and crayons to create works with excellent light, lifelike and eye-popping, comparable to photography. Hyperrealism’s paintings have earned him a well-deserved reputation. His paintings include beautiful nature, wild animals, animals and flowers. Collin Bogle’s works have gained international recognition and have been exhibited in many famous galleries, exhibitions and collections.

Trademark copyright information:

Quick check! Lawyer Keith, the agent of copyright painting king, will take on a new case! Collinboggle defended rights for the first time and has not been frozen yet.

Image source: US federal court

Quick check! Lawyer Keith, the agent of copyright painting king, will take on a new case! Collinboggle defended rights for the first time and has not been frozen yet.

Image source: US federal court

Example of publication:

Quick check! Lawyer Keith, the agent of copyright painting king, will take on a new case! Collinboggle defended rights for the first time and has not been frozen yet.

Image source: Amazon

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/30335

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