Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution!

“ Sharp Shirter” By graphic artist Daniel lachman (also known as Dan lachman). He has created many interesting and unique artistic illustrations, which not only endow clothes with unique charm, but also are used in home decoration design, providing consumers with personalized and in-depth choices.

In addition to excellent design, Sharp Shirter has also assumed social responsibility. They have deep cooperation with the African Wildlife Fund and are committed to protecting the wildlife and natural environment in Africa. Their efforts are not only reflected in product design, but also through practical actions, they have raised more than 100,000 US dollars for the African Wildlife Fund, and promised to continuously donate part of their profits to the Fund.

Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution!       

Official website:

On October 6 and 24, 2022, there were two cases in succession, involving more than 100 shops. Today, less than a year later, the plaintiff filed a lawsuit again on copyright issues. Xiaobian reminded sellers and friends that other copyright pictures of the brand should also be careful, and the risk of infringement is great! In this case, the seller’s funds involved have not been frozen yet, so it can be promptly investigated and withdrawn from the shelves to avoid damage to the funds.

Basic information of the case:

Prosecution time: August 23, 2023

Case number: 23-cv-5964

Brand: Sharp Shirter’s Works copyright painting.

Law firm: donigerlawfirm

The latest development of the case:

Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution!

Summary of cases in recent two years:

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm

2022-10-6 22-CV-61875 Copyright painting by Sriplaw Sharp Shirter’s Works

2022-10-24 23-CV-23468 Copyright painting by Sriplaw Sharp Shirter’s Works

2023-8-23 23-CV-05964 Donigerlawfirm Sharpshirter’s Works Copyright Painting

Brand profile:

“ Sharp Shirter” Is a unique brand founded by graphic artist Daniel lachman (also known as Dan lachman). This brand is characterized by its interesting and unique artistic illustrations, which are used in clothing and home decoration design. Sharp Shirter not only represents fashion and art, but also represents the respect and protection of nature and ecology. Choosing this brand not only means choosing personality and quality, but also means contributing to a better planet.

Trademark copyright information:

Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution! Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution! Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution! Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution! Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution!

Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution!

Examples of infringing products:

Sharp Shirter has returned strongly, and animal copyright paintings have spread widely. Cross-border sellers should use them with caution!

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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