You can’t use the word PINK casually, can you? TRO cross-border infringement case has been initiated!

Pink, formerly known as Alecia Beth Moore, was born in Pennsylvania on September 8, 1979. She is an American singer, creator and dancer.

April 4, 2000, p! Nk released its first studio album “Can‘t Take Me Home”. On September 7, 2001, Pink and Christina Aguilera won two awards and two nominations for the best video of the year and the best movie video awarded by the 18th American MTV Music Video Awards for Lady Marmalade. November 20th, P! Nk released its second studio album Missundaztood. February 27th, 2002, P! Nk and Christina Aguilera won the 44th Grammy Award for Best Pop Chorus for Lady Marmalade. February 8, 2004, p! Nk won the best performance of pop rock female singer awarded by the 46th Grammy Award for her single Trouble.

Paying attention to the word PINK, which represents color, is also a specific trademark word, and this led to a TRO case. The trademark originated from an American female singer, but fortunately, the trademark has a specific scope of use. The following is the specific case information:

Basic information of the case

Prosecution time: July 25, 2023

Case number: 23-cv-11661

Brand: Ceremony of Roses Acquisition LLC

Law firm: M. Lawrence Oliverio, Esq

The latest development of the case

You can't use the word PINK casually, can you? TRO cross-border infringement case has been initiated!

Brand information

Pink, formerly known as Alecia Beth Moore, was born in Pennsylvania on September 8, 1979. She is an American female singer, creator and dancer. In 2000, Pink released her first studio album “Can‘t Take Me Home”, and in the same year, she covered the theme song “Lady Marmalade” for Moulin Rouge with christina aguilera and others. With this song, she won the Best Pop Chorus Award at the 44th Grammy Awards, the Best Video Award of the Year and the Best Movie Video Award at the 18th MTV Music Video Awards in the United States, and two awards and two nominations.

This case is mainly about trademark rights protection. The trademark for rights protection is pink, and its word mark Pink is registered in 41 kinds of entertainment services and 09 kinds of music recording. The probability of stepping on thunder is high. Please take precautions!

Trademark copyright information

You can't use the word PINK casually, can you? TRO cross-border infringement case has been initiated!

You can't use the word PINK casually, can you? TRO cross-border infringement case has been initiated!

Examples of infringing products

You can't use the word PINK casually, can you? TRO cross-border infringement case has been initiated!

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
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● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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