Keith law firm in the United States is in trouble with copyright painting! MARK GEMMELL copyright painting these patterns involve infringement, check them quickly!

Mark Gemmell is a copyright painter who focuses on creating original works of art protected by copyright law. According to copyright law, copyright provides legal protection for creative works, including visual arts, such as paintings, illustrations and sketches. As a copyright painter, Mark Gemmell has exclusive rights, including copying, distributing, displaying and creating derivative works based on his original artistic works. This means that others cannot copy or use his works of art without his permission. Copyright also gives artists the right to sell or license their works for commercial use.

Basic information of the case

Time of prosecution: May 23, 2023

Case number: 23-cv-3232


Law firm: Keith

Summary of cases in recent two years

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm, brand side

2023/5/22 23-cv-3193, 23-CV-3197 Copyright Painting by Keith MARK GEMMELL

The latest development of the case

Keith law firm in the United States is in trouble with copyright painting! MARK GEMMELL copyright painting these patterns involve infringement, check them quickly!

Brand information

Mark Gemmell is an art photographer, who is good at creating eccentric and personalized images of livestock and eccentric art photography featuring cattle and sheep. These exquisite art prints are unique.

The case involved the following four copyrighted pictures, and the copyright came into effect on February 1, 2023.

Trademark copyright information

Keith law firm in the United States is in trouble with copyright painting! MARK GEMMELL copyright painting these patterns involve infringement, check them quickly!

Keith law firm in the United States is in trouble with copyright painting! MARK GEMMELL copyright painting these patterns involve infringement, check them quickly!

Keith law firm in the United States is in trouble with copyright painting! MARK GEMMELL copyright painting these patterns involve infringement, check them quickly!

Keith law firm in the United States is in trouble with copyright painting! MARK GEMMELL copyright painting these patterns involve infringement, check them quickly!

Examples of infringement

Keith law firm in the United States is in trouble with copyright painting! MARK GEMMELL copyright painting these patterns involve infringement, check them quickly!

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