Def Leppard defleppard trademark infringement and counterfeiting, GBC law firm agent has applied to the local court for filing.

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Def Leppard (Def Leppard) is a hard rock band founded in Sheffield, England in 1977. The band is one of the representative bands of the new wave of heavy metals in Britain and one of the most successful heavy metal bands in Europe in the 1980s, with more than 65 million albums sold worldwide. The brand name of this brand is Bludgeon Riffola Ltd, and the agent law firm is the legendary GBC of cross-border law firm. In recent two years, cases have occurred frequently. The seller should pay attention to the relevant trademark patterns of this brand in official website and check them off the shelves as soon as possible!

Basic information of the case

Time of filing the case: December 9, 2022

Case number: 22-cv-6905

Plaintiff’s law firm: GBC (Greer Burns & Crain)–Chicago–Illinois.

Plaintiff brand: Def Leppard Defleppard.

Brand: Bludgeon Riffola Ltd

The latest development of the case

Def Leppard defleppard trademark infringement and counterfeiting, GBC law firm agent has applied to the local court for filing.

brand introduction

Def Leppard defleppard trademark infringement and counterfeiting, GBC law firm agent has applied to the local court for filing.

Def Leppard (Def Leppard) is a hard rock band founded in Sheffield, England in 1977. It has five members: bassist Rick Savage, lead singer Joe Elliott, drummer Rick Allen, lead guitarist Phil Collen and guitarist Vivian Campbell. The band is one of the representative bands of the new wave of heavy metals in Britain and one of the most successful heavy metal bands in Europe in the 1980s, with more than 65 million albums sold worldwide.

Def Leppard’s music style includes hard rock, AOR, pop rock and heavy metal. The band is famous for its rich and beautiful vocal and melodious guitar riff.

CDs, clothes and masks related to the band brand are very popular.

Official website:

Trademark copyright information

Def Leppard defleppard trademark infringement and counterfeiting, GBC law firm agent has applied to the local court for filing.


Examples of infringing products

Def Leppard defleppard trademark infringement and counterfeiting, GBC law firm agent has applied to the local court for filing.

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