BRICKELL American Law Firm represented BLIND GUARDIAN for the first time this year! Extension of TRO has been approved!

BLIND GUARDIAN Band was founded in West Germany in 1984. It is a metal band with German strength. It is named after its connection with the blind beacon. THE BRICKELL IP GROUP, PLLC is a Florida law firm, whose main practice field is to provide legal services related to intellectual property business to clients. At the same time, the infringement reason of infringing products is mainly that the goods contain the brand’s trademarks and icons. Here are the trademarks of the brand. Please do not use similar trademarks and patterns for related sellers!

Basic information of the case

Case number: 22-cv-61572

Time of filing: August 24, 2022

Brand: BH Publishing and Merchandising GBR

Plaintiff’s brand: BLIND GUARDIAN.

Plaintiff’s law firm: THE BRICKELL IP GROUP, PLLC.


brand introduction

BLIND GUARDIAN Band was founded in West Germany in 1984. It is a metal band with German strength. Because it is related to the blind beacon, it is named BLIND GUARDIAN Band. Its main works are Symphonies of Doom. Blind Guardian Band is considered to be one of the most pioneering and influential bands in the schools of power metal and speed metal.

In Germany in 1984, 18-year-old Hansi Kürsch and his old friend André Olbrich formed their own band of four ” Lucifer’ s Heritage” At that time, besides Hansi and Andre, who served as lead singer and bass, there were also Markus Dörk and Thomas “ Thomen” Stauch (drummer)

During the two years from 1985 to 1986, the band underwent a membership reform – Markus Dörk (guitarist) and Thomen Stauch (drummer) were replaced by Christof Theißen and Hans-Peter Frey respectively. It was not until 1987 that guitarist Marcus Siepen joined the band and Thomen Stauch returned to the band, and the members’ team really formed a well-known appearance. In those two short years, the band released two demos of their own&# 8211; Symphonies of Doom and Battalions of Fear.

Hansi Kürsch – Lead singer (1984–), bass (1984–1996) André Olbrich & # 8211; Lead guitarist (1984–) Marcus Siepen & # 8211; The rhythm guitarist (1987–) Frederik Ehmke & # 8211; Drummer, percussion, flute and bagpipes (2005–)

Product official website:


registered trademark

BRICKELL American Law Firm represented BLIND GUARDIAN for the first time this year! Extension of TRO has been approved!

Examples of cross-border infringing products

BRICKELL American Law Firm represented BLIND GUARDIAN for the first time this year! Extension of TRO has been approved!

The latest development of the case

BRICKELL American Law Firm represented BLIND GUARDIAN for the first time this year! Extension of TRO has been approved!

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