Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

HSP law firm is located in Chicago, Illinois, USA, and its full name is Hughes Socol Piers Resnick & Dym, Ltd. As one of the well-known big law firms in the cross-border circle, HSP Law Firm first emerged as early as 2019, and then HSP Law Firm has successively represented many popular brands. Every year, a large number of sellers are frozen because of their involvement in infringing HSP agent brands, and they suffer heavy losses. Today, Xiaobian summarizes the brand infringement cases of HSP Law Firm since 2022 for your reference.

Case situation

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/3/21 22-cv-1457 HSP KTM Motorcycle

2022/3/10 22-cv-1273 HSP WAHL Push-shear hair clipper

2022/3/9 22-cv-1245 HSP Grumpy Cat

2022/3/8 22-cv-1218 HSP Stan Lee Stan Lee

2022/3/4 22-CV-1145 HSP Royal Enfield Royal enfield

2022/3/1 22-CV-1057 HSP Royal Enfield Royal enfield

2022/2/28 22-CV-1029 HSP Royal Enfield Royal enfield

2022/2/25 22-CV-994 HSP Royal Enfield Royal enfield

2022/2/24 22-cv-972 HSP Fairy Unicorn Anne Stokes

2022/2/9 22-cv-709 HSP KTM Motorcycle

2022/1/31 22-cv-534 HSP Fairy Unicorn Anne Stokes

2022/1/27 22-cv-467 HSP KTM Motorcycle

2022/1/24 22-cv-377 HSP Kana Hera Kanahei

2022/1/18 22-cv-279 HSP RUMMIKUB Magic Bridge

2022/1/13 22-cv-206 HSP RUMMIKUB Magic Bridge

01 KMT motor

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

KTM is an Austrian manufacturer of motorcycles, which was born in 1934. Its strong point is cross-country motorcycles, and its performance is excellent. It has won many prizes in cross-country competitions. In Dakar Rally, there are often spectacular scenes in which the top five drivers are all driving KTM chariots.

Basic information of the case

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/3/21 22-cv-1457 HSP KTM Motorcycle

2022/2/9 22-cv-709 HSP KTM Motorcycle

2022/1/27 22-cv-467 HSP KTM Motorcycle

Current case progress

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!


02 WAHL push shear hair clipper

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

WAHL scissors hair clipper is one of the global manufacturers of various beauty care tools, headquartered in Sterling, Illinois, USA. Since the establishment of American Wall Company in 1919, it has established production and R&D bases in the United States, Germany, Hungary, Britain, China and Viet Nam. It owns many international brands such as WAHL, Moser, Lister and ermila, and its distribution network covers more than 160 countries and regions around the world.

Basic information of the case

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/3/10 22-cv-1273 HSP WAHL Push-shear hair clipper

Current case progress

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!


03 Grumpy Cat

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

Grumpy Cat, also known as grumpy cat, was born on April 4, 2012. It was the most popular cat in 2012, and became a popular cat in 2012. Its original name was Tardar Sauce, and it was a star customer of Rashish, a cat network promoter and Hollywood agent. Natural smelly face attracts people’s attention, and its owner has earned as much as 6.4 million pounds through book publishing and beverage promotion, and even has an exclusive manager to arrange a “schedule” for it. Unhappy cats are born with dwarfism and malocclusion, so that they always have a very unhappy expression.

Basic information of the case

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/3/9 22-cv-1245 HSP Grumpy Cat

Current case progress

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!


04 Stan Lee stan lee

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

Stan Lee Stan Lee claims to be a big BOSS who surpasses 80% of the people in the Marvel Comics world. In 1941, 16-year-old Stanley Lieber, Goodman’s wife’s cousin, joined Marvel Comics. But compared with his real name, his pen name is more famous-Stan Lee. As an editor and main author, he not only created 80% of Marvel Comics’s famous characters, but also accompanied Marvel Comics Company through more than 60 years of vicissitudes. It can be said that it was Stan Lee who really created the miracle of Marvel Comics, so he was called the leader of American comic industry.

In 1941, the third film of Captain America was a great success. Stan Lee’s first film was followed by Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, X-Men, Doctor Strange, Brave Man and Spider-Man.

Basic information of the case

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/3/8 22-cv-1218 HSP Stan Lee Stan Lee

Current case progress

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!


05 ROYAL ENFIELD Royal enfield

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

Royal Enfield, the oldest motorcycle manufacturer in the world, was founded in 1851, and is called as the three elders together with Norton and Triumph in Britain. It started with the manufacture of bicycles and parts, and provided rifle parts for the Royal Light Weapons Company, and its advertising slogan was “Made like a gun, goes like a bullet” (how to make a gun, how to make a motorcycle). The British parent company of Royal enfield stopped production as early as the early 1970s, but in the Indian market, its owner, escher Automobile, relied on technological upgrading and nostalgic design to revive the brand and re-attack overseas markets.

Basic information of the case

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/3/4 22-CV-1145 HSP Royal Enfield Royal enfield

2022/3/1 22-CV-1057 HSP Royal Enfield Royal enfield

2022/2/28 22-CV-1029 HSP Royal Enfield Royal enfield

2022/2/25 22-CV-994 HSP Royal Enfield Royal enfield

Current case progress

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06 elf unicorn Anne Stokes

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

Anne Stokes Elf Unicorn is one of the representative works of Anne Stokes, a famous British illustrator. This talented painter’s works are full of magical European Gothic style, and magical elements such as dragons, elves, unicorns, crosses and skulls can often be seen in his works.

The copyright of its illustration works is represented by Art Ask Agency, which is widely used in cards, mobile phone cases, quilt covers, hand-made products and sells well.

Basic information of the case

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/2/24 22-cv-972 HSP Fairy Unicorn Anne Stokes

2022/1/31 22-cv-534 HSP Fairy Unicorn Anne Stokes

Current case progress

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!


07 Kana Hera Kanahei

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

Kana Hera (Japanese: カナヘィ, English: Kanahei;; August 7, 1985-) is a Japanese illustrator and cartoonist. He was born in Yuhedao City, Ehime Prefecture, and graduated from the design department of Matsuyama South High School Northeast Branch in Ehime Prefecture (Japanese: Matsuyama South High School, Ehime). Because the well-known character “Pink Bunny” is the most famous among his representative works “Little Animals of Kana Hera”, many people mistakenly think that “Kana Hera” is the name of Pink Bunny.

Kana Hera is famous for her lovely healing style and is good at illustration, cartoon and character design. In 2003 (at the age of 17), she made a fortune in the name of “an active female high school student illustrator” and appeared in Seventeen, a fashion magazine for young girls.

Basic information of the case

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/1/24 22-cv-377 HSP Kana Hera Kanahei

Current case progress

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

08 RUMMIKUB Magic Bridge

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

Rummikub was designed in Romania in 1930 by Ephraim Hertzano, an Israeli. The first Rummikub was made by hand in the back yard. In the early 1950s, Rummikub sold from door to door, or persuaded small shops to sell one or two boxes in their stores. Because of the unique rules and entertainment of this game, Rummikub gradually became widely known by word of mouth.

Rummikub is a game that can stimulate people’s thinking nerves. It doesn’t rely on luck or any mathematical luck.

Ok, just use different strategies to win.

Basic information of the case

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2022/1/18 22-cv-279 HSP RUMMIKUB Magic Bridge

2022/1/13 22-cv-206 HSP RUMMIKUB Magic Bridge

Current case progress

Exclusive push! Summary of brand infringement cases represented by HSP Law Firm in 2022!

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