TRO cross-border infringement sellers are frozen in large amounts, not only through direct settlement and hard litigation, but also through soft litigation, the compensation will be rapidly reduced to 5% and the processing time will be greatly reduced!

With the approach of the eve, cross-border infringement cases are emerging one after another. However, the dawn of the recent victory also shines on us. Recently, the Mai family’s support for the legal department has been reported frequently. With the arrival of more and more lawyers, in addition to the successful settlement of a large number of settlement sellers, some responding cases have also received good news, some of which have won through positive hard action, and some have successfully reduced the compensation to a minimum through soft litigation. It is particularly worth mentioning that a lawsuit was received on January 17, and I would like to share it with you here. Therefore, both parties to the case have signed a confidentiality agreement, so the basic information related to the case is not published here. After receiving the notice of account freezing email, Amazon sellers came to us to help them deal with it, and then our lawyer team made a series of plans after analyzing the relevant information of customers’ cases. The customer has two accounts in total, and nearly $50,000 has been frozen. If you negotiate with the other party through direct settlement, it is estimated that the other party will definitely open its mouth. Finally, according to the nature of the case, we decided to take soft litigation to strive for the best interests of our customers. According to the accumulated experience of Mai Jia’s support for many years, in most cases, cases that need to be litigated have a large frozen amount and low sales volume of infringing products. When the case is in the initial stage, such as TRO, it is a very good litigation time to handle the case before PIO comes down, which can generally greatly reduce the compensation (according to the usual compensation of 30-50% or higher). So, before PIO came down, our lawyer first prepared relevant materials to file a motion to respond to the lawsuit, and then contacted the opposing lawyer for psychological and tactical negotiations. It took only three days before and after the case was handled to help customers save a large amount of compensation at once, and finally the two stores successfully signed a settlement agreement with a total amount of less than 3,000 US dollars (less than 5% compensation). The so-called concrete case analysis, this time we did not directly reconcile, nor did we choose to be rigid with the other side, but chose the mode of combining the two. In terms of reconciliation, the plaintiff can completely put down its airs and settle compensation at an ultra-low price by adopting soft litigation and motion. As the saying goes, time is money, so we have to race against time to maximize our benefits. In pursuit of this goal, our lawyers still didn’t let everyone down. By responding to the lawsuit this time, we not only saved our clients a month or two, but also saved them more than 100,000 RMB according to the usual experience. Finally, it won unanimous praise from cross-border sellers. Through the sharing of the above cases, we appeal to cross-border e-commerce sellers involved in infringement cases not to directly choose settlement as soon as they encounter intellectual property infringement lawsuits, but to analyze specific issues. Because our cross-border e-commerce sellers are not professional in handling cases after all, we focus on choosing the right service providers and lawyers to help us solve problems in the most suitable way through the professional analysis of lawyers. In addition to reconciliation, some need to actively respond to the lawsuit, participate in the subsequent counterclaim, and if necessary, reduce the seller’s litigation cost by signing a lawyer. Let our lawyers denounce the rogue law firm of the other side, so that the other side can feel that soft persimmons can not be pinched if they want, not only can they maximize their own interests as much as possible, but they may even get more surprises. Thank you for reading, and today’s sharing is over. Maijia Support will continue to bring you the latest infringement news. More exciting content can be found on the WeChat public platform-“Maijia Support” to instantly check the latest trend of your US case, whether there is a default judgment and the counterclaims of other sellers [real-time synchronization of US judicial case system data]. If a seller with frozen funds needs legal assistance in litigation and settlement, you can contact us through WeChat below, and we will provide you with the best legal consulting service.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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