Case number: 21-cv-6351. Tommy Hilfiger has filed a case for rights protection again. Have you checked yourself?

When Tommy Hilfiger is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the design style of “American classic and full of cool flavor”. However, this brand has recently joined the ranks of rights protection. I believe many sellers have received the freezing notice from GBC law firm. Here, I remind sellers to check whether their stores are selling related products. If so, they must withdraw them from the shelves in time to avoid freezing account funds. The following is the relevant information of this case.

Basic information of the case:

Time of filing the case: November 30, 2021

Case number: 21-cv-6351

Plaintiff brand: Tommy Hilfiger

Brand: Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC

Law firm: GBC (Greer Burns & Crain)

Brand introduction:

TOMMY HILFIGER is one of the world’s leading designer lifestyle brands. Because of its “American classic and cool” design style, Tommy Hilfiger is full of personality, unobtrusive, simple and extraordinary. Its unique style design and life taste make the brand stand out in the top position in the huge lifestyle market.

TOMMY HILFIGER’s products are not only limited to sportswear, but also open up the market of multi-polar products such as socks, belts, ties, dresses, shirts, business clothes, watches, glasses and shoes, and have achieved good results. In the past two years, TOMMY HILFIGER has also launched Tommy Girl and Tommy Boy perfume series, which are very popular among fashionistas.

Tommy Hilfiger trademark information:

Case number: 21-cv-6351. Tommy Hilfiger has filed a case for rights protection again. Have you checked yourself? Sellers often use “Case number: 21-cv-6351. Tommy Hilfiger has filed a case for rights protection again. Have you checked yourself?” patterns and iconic words such as “Tommy Hilfiger” in their products and descriptions, so you must pay attention when screening, and if it is involved, it is infringement.

Examples of cross-border infringing products:

Case number: 21-cv-6351. Tommy Hilfiger has filed a case for rights protection again. Have you checked yourself? Current case progress:

Case number: 21-cv-6351. Tommy Hilfiger has filed a case for rights protection again. Have you checked yourself? That’s all for today. Thank you for reading. Maijia Support continues to bring you the latest infringement news. More exciting content can be found on the WeChat public platform — “Mai Jia Support” can instantly check the latest trend of your American case, whether it is a default judgment and the counterclaims of other sellers [real-time synchronization of American judicial case system data]. If a seller with frozen funds needs legal assistance in litigation and settlement, you can contact us through WeChat below, and we will provide you with the best legal consulting service.

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● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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