Amazon’s unscrupulous peers spoofed new tricks, and many sellers were maliciously complained about copyright infringement!

Be alert! Unscrupulous peers spoofed new tricks, and many sellers were maliciously complained about copyright infringement! As the peak season is approaching, sellers spend a lot of money and effort to stock up, hoping to firmly grasp the single machine meeting. The more this time, the more we should be careful of unscrupulous peers. They are full of tricks to grab sales, which makes people hard to prevent. Recently, a number of sellers have been murdered and maliciously complained about copyright infringement. The spoofers all use the same routine, copying the seller’s listing to the self-built website, and then complaining about copyright infringement to Amazon. Once the malicious complaint is successful, listing is directly removed from the shelf, and it is almost hopeless to get it back through the complaint. Many sellers complained many times, which were not only rejected every time, but also triggered the store audit because of too many complaints, facing the store closure crisis. What if the complaint is rejected? Can we only give in easily? In this regard, many sellers have mentioned DMCA. DMCA Counter-Notice The seller said that DMCA specifically refers to DMCA counter-notice/DMCA counter claim, which can be understood as a notice of defense. According to DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act of the United States), if the copyright owner complains about the infringement of others, the relevant platform must prohibit access to the infringing works to avoid liability. If the respondent has no infringement or has the legal right to use the work, he can submit it to DMCA Counter-Notice. When Amazon receives DMCA Counter-Notice, it will tell the complainant, who will either cancel the complaint or sue, and judge whether it is infringement through the court’s judgment. If the complainant does not take any measures, Amazon will unseal the listing after 10 working days. After 10 working days, Amazon has not unsealed the listing, and the seller can also send a reminder letter requesting to resume the listing that was removed from the shelf. If you are maliciously complained of copyright infringement, and the complaint is fruitless, you can try to submit DMCA Counter-Notice to Amazon. Some sellers have reported to Jite that the complaint was successful through this method. How to prevent malicious infringement complaints? For infringement, Amazon would rather kill the mistake, as long as it complains, it will be listing first, and it will not review the truth and falsehood. Copyright infringement involves a wide range, and using other people’s works, stealing pictures, copying listing, etc., may be complained of copyright infringement. This has led to a high number of complaints about copyright infringement on Amazon. In addition, the copyright official website will not display specific works and cannot confirm the complainant’s copyright information. In case of copyright infringement complaint, we can only ask the complainant to provide copyright-related information, which greatly increases the difficulty of complaint. How should sellers prevent copyright infringement complaints? The best way is definitely to carry out copyright registration in time. This will not only clarify the ownership of copyright, but also guard against infringement and malicious cybersquatting. In the case of malicious complaints, I am more confident to compete with the other party, and I can also produce strong evidence when complaining and quickly restore listing. In addition, the seller should pay more attention to it and report the infringement in time to avoid being beaten by the infringer.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
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● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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