Early warning of cross-border infringement-Shunfa massage comb has been patented in many countries, so it needs to be cautious when it is put on the shelves!

Product introduction

Shunfa massage comb is a well-designed hair brush, which can bring users a relaxed and painless combing experience. It uses soft and dense bristles, which reduces the pulling and damage to the hair during combing, and can reduce the problems of hair loss and hair breakage. Whether it is thick hair or curly hair, Shunfa massage comb can comb it effectively, making the hairstyle more neat and smooth. Shunfa massage comb is also equipped with humanized handle design, which enables users to use it conveniently in the shower. Whether it is shower gel or conditioner, wet hair can be combed easily, eliminating extra steps. This convenient design makes it an ideal choice for professional hairdressers and daily care. More importantly, the bristles of Shunfa massage comb also have massage function, which can stimulate the blood circulation of scalp and promote the health of hair roots. By massaging the scalp, it can relieve fatigue and help relieve scalp tension;

Product features

Suitable for wet hair and dry hair, this brush has been carefully designed to be suitable for wet hair, making it easier for users to comb wet hair. At the same time, it can also be used for dry hair to help quickly solve knotted and tangled hair;

Innovative tooth design, Shunfa massage comb has 325 unique and flexible teeth, and adopts two-layer technology to bring better flexibility to wet hair. Long and flexible teeth can straighten hair and reduce knots and breaks, while short teeth can make hair smoother;

Suitable for shower, Shunfa massage comb is very suitable for use in shower. Shampoo and conditioner can be evenly applied to hair and combed easily. Its handle design is convenient to hold and can better control the carding strength;

Soft hair effect, the tooth design of Shunfa massage comb can make hair smooth and shiny, and eliminate the trouble of curling. At the same time, it can reduce breakage and protect hair health.

product patent

Xiaobian found through search

This product is currently registered in the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Union, the United Kingdom and other countries.

Patent numbers are: d883679/(179296/187681)/(2018010304/201810304)/004142487 series /9004142487 series.

Patent details are shown in the following figure:

Early warning of cross-border infringement-Shunfa massage comb has been patented in many countries, so it needs to be cautious when it is put on the shelves!

Product official website

Official website Link: https://www.tangleteezer.com/

Xiaobian summary

This Shunfa massage comb is currently registered with patents in the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Union, the United Kingdom and other countries, and the layout is multi-country, and the risk is not small. Friends should pay attention to the risk of patent infringement complaints!

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● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/27344

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