Early warning of cross-border infringement-behavior training ring hides risks, so be careful when putting it on the shelves!

Product introduction

This behavior training ring is a unique and innovative product, which liberates hands during training and is extremely convenient and easy to use. With its light and comfortable design, the ring makes training easier and more free. The product is designed with elastic bands to ensure comfort. Users can adjust according to their finger size and preferences, without worrying about inappropriateness or insufficient tightness. This training ring has been carefully assembled and tested by hand to ensure product quality.

Products have a variety of colors to choose from, including blue, yellow, orange, pink and other colors. Users can choose their favorite colors according to their own preferences and tastes. With this behavior training ring, you can attract and keep your pet’s attention by clicking the button. Its sound is clear and loud, which can quickly arouse the interest and response of pets. Compared with the traditional behavior trainer, this modern, practical and wearable design has completely changed the experience of the training process.

Product features

Lightweight, the product is made of lightweight materials, which is light and comfortable to use, and will not add too much burden to fingers, and users will be more free in the training process;

Convenient and easy to use, the simple design of this ring makes it easy to use. Users don’t need complicated settings or complicated operation steps, just wear it on their fingers and can use it at any time. Freeing your hands will make training more convenient;

High efficiency, the sound generated by the training ring is very clear, without vague or noisy changes. This clarity can help pets capture the audio signal of instructions more accurately, so that it is easier to understand what you want to convey. Can quickly attract the attention of pets, so that the training effect is more significant and fast.

product patent

Xiaobian found through search

This product is currently registered with American appearance patent.

Patent number: D998915

Patent details are shown in the following figure.

Early warning of cross-border infringement-behavior training ring hides risks, so be careful when putting it on the shelves!

Xiaobian summary

This behavior training ring product is currently registered with American appearance patent, so you should pay attention to the risk of patent infringement complaint.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
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● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/27327

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