Early warning of cross-border infringement-the hidden risk of unique sports shoes is not small!

Product introduction

This shoe is an eye-catching sports shoe. Its unique design and innovative materials make it unique. The combination of vamp materials and various colors gives it a fashionable and personalized appearance, which makes people attracted at a glance. Its design concept is injection-molded sports shoes, which are specially developed to help muscle fatigue and recovery after exercise.

When you wear it, it can provide the effect of relieving foot, ankle and calf muscle fatigue. The sole of this shoe adopts a special texture, which can provide excellent traction and make you more stable and safe during exercise. Compared with ordinary foam flip-flops, it is more durable, light and comfortable, and you can hardly feel its presence on your feet.

The most striking thing is the environmental protection characteristics of this shoe. It is made of natural technology, and the main material is sugarcane rebound foam made of Brazilian sugarcane. This kind of sugarcane resilient foam is produced by sugarcane ethanol, which not only has negative carbon characteristics, but also can absorb carbon dioxide during the growth of sugarcane, which is helpful to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Therefore, this shoe is called a kind of recovery shoe which is harmless to the earth and similar to a hole shoe.

Generally speaking, this shoe not only provides a good cushion and support, helps to reduce muscle fatigue, but also adheres to the concept of sustainable development and contributes to environmental protection.

Product features

Lightweight, this shoe is very light and comfortable, whether it is for long-term exercise or daily wear, it can perfectly fit your feet and provide a lasting comfortable experience;

Sustainable design, this shoe is made by injection molding technology, using sugarcane resilient foam made from Brazilian sugarcane. This material is a negative carbon material, which absorbs carbon dioxide through the growth process of sugarcane, which helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is more friendly to the environment.

Product detail drawing

Six recovery functions work together to stimulate the best readiness.

Early warning of cross-border infringement-the hidden risk of unique sports shoes is not small!

product patent

Xiaobian found through search

Foreign patents include: American, Canadian, European Union, British and Japanese appearance patents.

The patent numbers are:

D997500/201273/008580369 series/6143474-6143486/(1728789/1716224)

The specific details of the patent are shown in the following figure.

Early warning of cross-border infringement-the hidden risk of unique sports shoes is not small!

Xiaobian summary

This product belongs to kane brand products, and has registered appearance patents in the United States, Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Japan. Please pay attention to the risk of patent infringement complaints and the risk of copyright complaints in official website.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/27288

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