Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement —— The appearance invention of egg-shaking artifact is fully protected, and the risk of infringement cannot be underestimated.

Product introduction

Egg-shaking artifact is a unique and innovative kitchen tool, which has become a favorite of many chefs and housewives because of its magical effect and convenient use. This egg shaker is made of environmentally-friendly plastic materials, carefully designed and accurately processed to ensure that users can get the best experience during use. The design of the egg-shaking artifact is inspired by the traditional egg beater, but it has been innovated and improved in function and control. It uses environmentally friendly plastic materials, contains no harmful substances, and is safe and non-toxic. Careful design and precise processing ensure the stability and durability of the product, so that users can get the best experience during use.

Product use

Using the egg-shaking artifact is very simple. First, prepare a whole raw egg and put it in the plastic shell of the egg shaker. Fasten the shell to ensure that the eggs can be firmly fixed inside the egg shaker. Next, hold the handles on both sides of the egg shaker and pull them quickly and evenly, so that the eggs inside the egg shaker begin to rotate. According to personal preferences and needs, you can choose the length of shaking. Usually, about 15 seconds is enough time to break the eggs.

Product features

Innovative design: Egg-shaking artifact stands out with its unique design style and innovative working principle. It is not only an ordinary egg beater, but also a toy, which makes cooking interesting and creative.

Safe and reliable: the egg-shaking artifact is made of environmentally-friendly plastic material, which is non-toxic and harmless to ensure the safety of users when using it. Its design is reasonable, its use is simple, and it is not easy to have accidents.

Easy to clean: the plastic shell of the egg-shaking artifact can be easily disassembled, and can be safely put into the dishwasher for cleaning, eliminating the tedious hand washing link;

product patent

Xiaobian searched and found that this product is currently registered with American appearance and American invention patents.

The patent numbers are D743738/US9596877B2 respectively.

The specific details of the patent are shown in the following figure.

Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement —— The appearance invention of egg-shaking artifact is fully protected, and the risk of infringement cannot be underestimated.

Image source: US federal court

Crowdfunding products

Through further search, we can find that this product is still a crowdfunding product.

The crowdfunding link is as follows:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ylinedesign/a-goose-that-lays-golden-eggs? lang=zh

Xiaobian summary

The egg-shaking artifact product is a crowdfunding product. At present, American appearance and American invention patents are registered, so friends need to pay attention to the risk of patent infringement complaints.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/27207

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