Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement —— Beware of Infringement of Microwave Oven Boilers

This microwave cooker can make perfect poached eggs, and the design of this cooker allows eggs to be cooked naturally in water to get a delicious taste. The design of drainable colander makes the product more convenient to use. The design between the two colander can ensure that there is no excess liquid in the microwave oven.

How to make perfect poached eggs?

First, fill half the compartment with cold water, then beat the eggs into the compartment, add water to the indicator line until the eggs are completely submerged, then cover it, and finally put the product in the center of the microwave oven for cooking. When eating, just lift the colander and drain the boiled eggs. The product is suitable for all rated power of household microwave ovens.

Xiaobian found through search that:

Patent situation:

This product is currently registered with patents in the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Australia.

The patent numbers are:


The specific details of the patent drawing are as follows:

Early Warning of Cross-border Infringement —— Beware of Infringement of Microwave Oven Boilers

Further understanding, we can find that the product comes from Joseph Joseph brand.

Official website: https://eu.josephjoseph.com/.

Speaking of this brand, it must be no stranger to the household category, and we have received complaints from this store more or less. Joseph Joseph brand is a British design brand that has won the Red Dot Award for many times, and was founded in 2003. Their products combine innovative design, modern style and unique color application, and have successively created some iconic products. Since 2003, the brand has launched more than 1000 products and won many honors. There are 14 famous Red Dot Awards and 2 Corporate Queen Awards presented by the Royal Princess alone.

Little knowledge:

The Red Dot Award is an internationally recognized symbol of outstanding design innovation. The Red Dot Award, which originated in Germany, is an industrial design award and the largest and most influential design competition in the world. It is called the world’s three major design awards together with the German “IF Award” and the American “IDEA Award”. Winning the Red Dot Award indicates that the product is in a leading position in design and innovation, which is very helpful for strengthening the share of brand influence and improving brand value.

The Queen Award of Enterprise, the most coveted business award in Britain, is awarded by the Queen to the most recognized enterprise. It can be said that it is the highest official award of British enterprises, aiming at recognizing outstanding achievements of British enterprises in innovation, international trade and sustainable development.

In a word, Joseph Joseph brand products are risky. At present, the brand has registered more than 1,000 patents, and there are more than 100 patents in the United States. The same product in official website has the risk of copyright complaints. This product has the risk of patent and copyright complaints, so attention should be paid to the selection of products.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
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WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

If reprinted, please indicate the source: https://worldtro.com/archives/26869

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